City Antanetibe (Ambohidratrimo Province - Analamanga Region)
2023-01-14 09:46:54 - 2022-10-08 21:51:51

Antanetibe is a town in the Analamanga Region of Madagascar.
Other localities with the same name:
Town Antanetibe (Anjozorobe Province - Analamanga Region) Madagascar Antanetibe is a town in the Analamanga Region of Madagascar. [...]Open page
Town Antanetibe (Soavinandriana Province - Itasy Region) Madagascar Antanetibe is a town in the Itasy Region of Madagascar. [...]Open page
Village - Neighbourhood Antanetibe (Ambohimanambola Council) Madagascar Antanetibe is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ambohimanambola in [...]Open page
Village - Neighbourhood Antanetibe (Antehiroka Council) Madagascar Antanetibe is a neighborhood/village in the Antehiroka council in the [...]Open page
Village - Neighbourhood Antanetibe (Ambohitrimanjaka Council) Madagascar Antanetibe is a neighborhood/village in the Ambohitrimanjaka council in the [...]Open page
Village - Neighbourhood Antanetibe (Mananjara Council) Madagascar Antanetibe is a neighborhood/village in the Mananjara council in the [...]Open page
Village - Neighbourhood Antanetibe (Fiadanana Council) Madagascar Antanetibe is a neighborhood/village in the Fiadanana council in the [...]Open page
Village - Neighbourhood Antanetibe (Ambato Council) Madagascar Antanetibe is a neighborhood/village in the Ambato council in the [...]Open page
No activity has yet been recorded in : City Antanetibe (Ambohidratrimo Province - Analamanga Region)
Antanetibe : 18 Neighbourhoods - Villages registered
Neighbourhood - Village Antoby Atsimo
Antoby Atsimo is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ambohijatovo
Ambohijatovo is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ambohiboahangy
Ambohiboahangy is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Antsahamaina
Antsahamaina is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ambohitraivo
Ambohitraivo is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ambohidranomanga
Ambohidranomanga is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Antaninandro
Antaninandro is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Mahazaza
Mahazaza is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Bearambola
Bearambola is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ambanimaso
Ambanimaso is a neighborhood/village in the Antanetibe council in the District of Ambohidratrimo, Province of Antananarivo in the [...]

