City Ankadikely Ilafy (Antananarivo Avaradrano Province - Analamanga Region)
2023-03-06 13:55:29 - 2022-10-08 21:51:51

Ankadikely Ilafy is a town in the Analamanga Region of Madagascar.
No activity has yet been recorded in : City Ankadikely Ilafy (Antananarivo Avaradrano Province - Analamanga Region)
Ankadikely Ilafy : 17 Neighbourhoods - Villages registered
Neighbourhood - Village Ambohibe
Ambohibe is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Masinandriana
Masinandriana is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Mandrosoa Ilafy
Mandrosoa Ilafy is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Andrononobe
Andrononobe is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Manazary
Manazary is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ambohitrarahaba
Ambohitrarahaba is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Andafiavaratra
Andafiavaratra is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Manjaka
Manjaka is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Ilafy
Ilafy is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
Neighbourhood - Village Antanandrano
Antanandrano is a neighborhood/village in the commune of Ankadikely Ilafy in the District of Antananarivo Avaradrano, Province of [...]
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