NDENG is a village/neighbourhood in the district of KON-YAMBETTA, department of Mbam Et Inoubou, Centre Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENG is a neighbourhood/village in the subdivision of GARI GOMBO, BOUMBA AND NGOKO division, East Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENG is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of DJEBEM, KOUNG-KHI Division in the West Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENG is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of MENGONG, MVILA Division in the South Region in Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENGORO is a neighbourhood/village in the subdivision of NDEM-NAM, KADEY division, East Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENGSO is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of BANGOU, HAUTS-PLATEAUX Division in the West Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENGUE is a village/neighbourhood in the district of BAFIA, department of Mbam Et Inoubou, Centre Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDENGUE is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of EBOLOWA II, MVILA Division in the South Region in Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDEPLA is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of BAZOU, NDE Division in the West Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDETGAH is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of MALENTOUEN, NOUN Division in the West Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDEVGAÏ-MIDRE is a neighbourhood/village in the SOULEDE ROUA subdivision, MAYO TSANAGA Division in the Far North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDEVRU is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of NKUM, BUI Division in the North-West Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDI is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of NLONAKO, MOUNGO Division in the Littoral Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAM BABA is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of GAROUA III, BENOUE Division in the North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAM BADI is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of BIBEMI, BENOUE Division in the North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAM ETINA is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of GUIDER, MAYO LOUTI Division in the North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAM IBBI is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of GUIDER, MAYO LOUTI Division in the North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAM NELBI is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of GUIDER, MAYO LOUTI Division in the North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAM TCHOLLI is a neighbourhood/village in the MERI subdivision, DIAMARE Division in the Far North Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
NDIAN TOWN BIMA is a neighbourhood/village in the Subdivision of MUNDEMBA, NDIAN Division in the South-West Region of Cameroon. [...]Open page
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