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Reunification Monument

Cameroon | YAOUNDE (DEPARTEMENT DU MFOUNDI) | Neighbourhood - Village OLEZOA

Monday 24 October 2022 at 09:30   |    Monday 24 October 2022 at 09:55

The Reunification Monument is located in the OLEZOA district of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. It was built in 1973 to celebrate the post-colonial reunification of the former French Cameroon and part of the former British Cameroon.

The monument represents two snakes whose heads merge, symbolising the reunification of French Cameroon and British Southern Cameroon on 1 October 1961. This was followed by the unification of the Federated States of Cameroon into the United Republic of Cameroon in 1972.

Components of the monument

The main monument - the tower - is in the shape of a conical spiral with a point on top. It is made up of three levels:

  •     A basement with a large circular hall decorated with wall paintings by Engelberg Mveng (Jesuit priest);
  •     A slab on the ground floor, decorated with wooden frescoes by Etolo Eya;
  •     At the top of the tower, the meeting point of the East and West entrances, symbolising the perfect unity of the two large English and French-speaking parts.

The pillars

In the centre of the hall, a large pillar that ends in a brush on the outside. Four pillars made of engravings describing the experiences of the populations of the five cultural eras of Cameroon and the signature of the designers and creators of the monument.

The stairs

At the base of the monument there is a pylon that serves as the central axis and two staircase entrances. The two staircases are in the form of a spiral made up of two interlocking ramps, with the two revolutions following each other to meet at the platform terrace at the top. A person descending a ramp will not meet a person climbing it.

The lantern stands on a concrete cone with openings.

The statue

The Reunification Monument is the work of the Cameroonian sculptor Gédéon Mpando, the Cameroonian Jesuit Father Engelbert Mveng and the French architect Armand Salomon. This work represents fifty-three tons of concrete and is about seven metres high.

The garden

Around the monument and the statue there is a green space with lawns and flowering plants. The whole area is divided by ramps and stairs leading from the outside.






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